2012-2013 Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

The purpose of the Student Services division is to provide comprehensive student services that will assist students in achieving educational objectives and enable students in developing relationships and experiences that promote intellectual, social, and emotional growth.

Student Services is organized into departments to serve the needs of students outside the classroom. Students should become familiar with opportunities that these offices provide and should develop an educational plan that includes solid academic preparation, student activities, and social and professional organizations.

Academic Advising Policy

Students must personally assume the responsibility for completing all requirements established by the college for their degrees or certificates. A student’s advisor may not assume these responsibilities.

Any substitution, waiver, or exemption from any established requirement or academic standard may be accomplished only with appropriate approval.

Faculty advisors are active participants in the academic, career, and life-planning services of the college. Advisors are also available to assist students on an individual basis with problems and challenges that arise while they are enrolled in college. Degree seeking students are assigned faculty advisors and should meet with faculty advisors each semester before registering for classes. Students can find their advisor through myNSCC by clicking on the “My Major and Advisor” tab.

Registration Procedures

Students may register for classes by registering online using myNSCC. To access myNSCC, go to NSCC’s home page, www.nscc.edu.

Registration periods for fall, spring, and summer semesters are published in the academic calendar located at the front of this catalog. Students are strongly encouraged to register early during registration periods and follow these procedures:

  1. All new and re-admit students must complete an Application for Admission or Re-Admission and submit proper credentials. All new students are encouraged to attend an orientation session. Placement testing is required of all new or re-admit degree seeking students. The test is administered by the Testing Center in the Student Services Center. Students should contact their faculty advisor prior to registration each term. Registration is not complete until fees have been paid. Deadline dates for paying fees are published in semester schedules.
  2. The first day of classes is noted in the Academic Calendar. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase books and materials and be prepared to begin class work on the first day of classes.

New Student Orientation

All new degree-seeking students should attend a New Student Orientation session. Students will be advised, registered, and assigned a faculty advisor at this orientation session. Before attending, students should submit an application to attend the college, send required transcripts, complete inoculation requirements and complete any required testing in the Testing Center. Students whose applications are incomplete will not be able to register for classes at the orientation session. Students may register for New Student Orientation on the NSCC Web site. Students whose applications are not complete will not be able to register for classes at the orientation. If a student is unable to attend an in-person New Student Orientation session, he or she may attend an online session. The online orientation session can be accessed at www.nscc.edu/orientation. Students must attend an in-person session to receive help with advising and registration.

Initial Course Placement

The Tennessee Board of Regents requires that students demonstrate the appropriate skill levels before enrolling in college-level courses. ACT/SAT scores, COMPASS test scores, or other relevant information determines whether a student needs to enroll in Learning Support courses in reading, writing, and/or math. After completing the required Learning Support course(s), a student may enroll in college-level courses.

Students who test into a Learning Support reading, writing, and/or math course may challenge the initial test placement. There is no charge for the Challenge Test. Check the English, Humanities, & Arts home page or call 615-353-3531 for more information on reading and writing Challenge Tests. For math information, call 615-353-3369. Free math preparation materials are available at www.act.org/compass and http://ww2.nscc.edu/lsm.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Students who speak English as a second language may receive special assistance in the Learning Center and from ESL specialists at the college. For further information, contact the ESL Testing and Advising Coordinator at 615-353-3380 or visit the ESL home page at http://www.nscc.edu/admissions/esl/.

Student Disability Services (SDS)

Student Disability Services provides assistance to students with documented physical, emotional, and/or learning disabilities. SDS personnel assist eligible students with academic planning and registration and serve as a liaison between students and faculty.

SDS personnel also assist in testing and securing appropriate technology as needed for students. A minimum of two weeks is usually required to arrange classroom accommodations. For further information, contact the Disabilities Coordinator at 615-353-3721 in the Student Services Center or visit http://www.nscc.edu/student-resources/ disability-services/.


The college does not have residence halls. Therefore, students should begin efforts to obtain housing at an early date. Any student needing assistance in securing housing may contact the Student Life Representative at 615-353-3026.

Student Activities

Nashville State has honor, social, and professional clubs. Charters of all organizations are on file in the office of the Director of Special Projects and Student Life as well as the Dean of Students. Any organization not chartered is not recognized as part of the college community.

The organization and administration of student activities is a function of the Director of Special Projects and Student Life under the supervision of the Dean for Student Services.

Student Government Association

Student Participation in Campus Decision-Making

The Student Government Association represents the student body at Nashville State. The SGA serves the vital role of liaison between the campus administration and the student body. A designated member of the SGA is a member of the Nashville State Executive Committee, which is the policy-making committee of the college.

The SGA is charged with the responsibility of communicating the ideas and opinions of the student body at-large to the administration of the college. Members of the SGA are elected by popular vote and serve for a term of one year.

The SGA office is located in the Student Services Building, S-103.

All standing committees at the college include a student representative. It is the responsibility of each standing committee chair to appoint, with the President’s approval, a student representative to each campus committee.

Student Life Council

The purpose of the Student Life Council is to promote cooperation and communication among student organizations. The Council consists of faculty/staff advisors and student representatives of each registered organization.

Student Publications

The Bridge, NSCC’s college newspaper, is edited and published periodically by students during the year. Students who are interested in contributing to the paper should contact Valerie Belew at valerie.belew@nscc.edu for more information. A faculty advisor works with the students.

Tetrahedra is an independent, nonprofit journal published annually by Nashville State. The journal recognizes the artistic talents of the college community through the publication of selected poems, short fiction, and essays, promoting the humanities at the college. Current students, alumni, staff, and faculty are encouraged to submit manuscripts/artwork for publication in this journal. For more information, please contact phyllis.gobbell@nscc.edu.

All student publications at Nashville State may serve as forums for expression of ideas concerning issues and events of interest. Views expressed in the publications are not necessarily the views of the student body as a whole, the college, or the Tennessee Board of Regents.

Student Organizations

Architectural and Civil Engineering Student Association (ACESA)
Campus Crusade for Christ

Chess Club

Creative Writing Club

Dramatic Arts Society

Escoffier Society (Culinary)

Green Sleeves

Honors College Association

Information Technology Club

Karate Club

Nashville State Community College Dance Club

National Association of Legal Professionals

National Society of Leadership and Success

Occupational Therapy Assistant Club

Phi Theta Kappa

Philosophy Club

Science Student Association

Student Government Association (S.G.A.)

Society of Photography Students

Student Veterans of America

Surgical Technology Student Organization

Tau Alpha Pi

Many students are also involved in Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL)

For more information, contact Student Life at 615-353-3026, or visit www.nscc.edu/student-resources/student-life/.

Study Abroad

Nashville State is a member of the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS). Study Abroad takes students around the world for summer semester experiences. To participate in Study Abroad, students must be at least 18 years old, have completed 12 credits at Nashville State Community College, and be in good standing. For details about the programs, visit www.tncis.org. If you are interested in study abroad, visit the Dean for Student Services in the Student Services Building, Room S-202, or call 615-353-3261 for an appointment.

Student Right to Know Policy

Information about graduation rates of Nashville State Community College students is available from the Office of Institutional Research. The college complies with the Student-Right-to-Know legislation.

College Liability

Nashville State Community College is not responsible for bodily harm and/or death to participants in any voluntary organizations or activities, including activities in which risk is incurred. Nashville State Community College, as an agency of the State of Tennessee, is not liable for claims resulting from injury and/or death incurred in such participation. Members of college faculty and staff may not be held liable unless personal negligence occurs.

Rights and Responsibilities of Nashville State Community College

The college shall have such rights and responsibilities as are necessary and desirable for the college to achieve its purposes. The Tennessee Board of Regents specifically confirms the following rights to the college:

  1. To establish regulations concerning the use and abuse of college property and to assess students with claims of damage of such abuse.
  2. To withhold grades and transcripts of credit until all claims have been paid.
  3. To dismiss, in the absence of specific regulations, any student, at any time, for cause deemed by the college to be in the best interest of the student’s emotional or physical safety or the well-being of the college community.
  4. To establish standards of conduct and manners on the campus within range of convention of good taste.
  5. To establish traffic regulations on campus, provide for registration of all vehicles using the campus, and enforce such regulations as established.
  6. To supervise the scheduling of meetings and activities of student organizations.

This list is not all-inclusive and in no way limits the rights, responsibilities, and authority the college now has. It simply describes some of the rights, responsibilities, and authority which have been vested in it.

Security Procedures

Nashville State Community College makes available to all students information relative to the NSCC security policies and procedures. The Security department’s crime statistics and policies may be found online at http://www.nscc.edu/student-resources/safety-and-security/. In the event any student should require the services of security personnel, officers are on duty 24 hours a day to ensure the safety and security of both students and campus facilities.

The Security Office is located in A-34, and the Security Station is in the lobby of the Student Services Center, adjacent to the campus bookstore. Information about on-campus crime rates is available online at http://www.nscc.edu/content/resources/CrimeStatistics.pdf.

Student Appeals or Grievances

There is a procedure to handle student grievances and appeals. Normally, grievances and appeals are appropriate when a student has experienced discrimination, violation of constitutional rights, or violation of policy. Information about the procedure is available in the college Student Handbook or from the Dean for Student Services at 615-353-3268 or 3261.

Student Code of Conduct

Nashville State Community College students are citizens of the community and are expected to maintain acceptable standards of conduct. Admission to Nashville State Community College carries with it privileges and responsibilities.

The Tennessee Board of Regents has authorized institutions under its jurisdiction to take action as may be necessary to maintain campus conditions and preserve the integrity of the institution and its educational environment.

In an effort to provide a secure and stimulating atmosphere, Nashville State Community College has developed a Student Code of Conduct which is contained in the Nashville State Community College Student Handbook. The Student Code of Conduct is intended to govern student conduct on the campus of Nashville State Community College.

Additionally, students are subject to all local, state, and national laws and ordinances. Should a student violate such laws or ordinances in a manner which adversely affects the institution’s pursuit of its educational objectives, the college may enforce its own regulations regardless of any proceedings instituted by other authorities. Conversely, violation of any section of the Code of Conduct may subject a student to disciplinary measures by the institution whether or not such conduct is simultaneously a violation of local, state, or national laws.

Generally, through appropriate due process procedures, institutional disciplinary measures shall be imposed for conduct which adversely affects the institution’s pursuit of educational objectives, which violates or exhibits a disregard for the rights of other members of the academic community, or which endangers property or persons on college or college-controlled property.

When students are unable to pursue their academic work effectively, when their behavior is disruptive to the educational process of the college or detrimental to themselves or others, they may voluntarily withdraw, be involuntarily withdrawn, or be temporarily suspended from the college. Disruptive or detrimental behavior may, for example, be due to drug and/or alcohol abuse, apparent physical disturbance, and/or psychological disturbance.

Statement of Values

Policy on Sexual Orientation

It is the policy of Nashville State Community College that neither its students nor its employees shall be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation. Such a policy helps ensure that only relevant factors are considered and that an equitable and consistent standard of conduct and performance will be applied.

A student who has an academic complaint involving discrimination based on his or her sexual orientation should contact the Office of the Dean for Student Services. Any individual who has an employment discrimination complaint based upon his or her sexual orientation should contact the College’s EEO/AA Compliance Officer.

John E. Mayfield Library

(Phone: 615-353-3555)

The John E. Mayfield Library facilitates learning and research for Nashville State students, staff, and faculty with an extensive collection of books, periodicals, and audio-visual materials. The Library also provides space for private and group study.

The Library features an online catalog, ebook collections, and periodical databases. By using their A# and pin numbers, students can gain access to electronic databases from off campus. The Library subscribes to databases that cover the social sciences and humanities, as well as in the following specific subject areas: business, literature, health sciences, music, art, technology, and Spanish. In addition to its on-campus collection, the Library has several e-book collections.

The Library also provides interlibrary loan services for student and faculty. Students from Nashville State also may check out a NALA card that will allow them to enter Vanderbilt University and conduct research in any one of the University’s main subject libraries. All Nashville State students may also visit any other TBR library to do research with limited check-out privileges.

There is an orientation at the Library Web site for students who cannot come to campus or who need a refresher on library services. The “Ask the Librarian” link on the home page allows students to send research questions to the library staff. All patrons must observe library guidelines available at the circulation desk.

The John E. Mayfield Library hours are as follows during fall and spring semesters:

Monday–Thursday 7:30am–8:00pm
Friday 7:30am–4:30pm
Saturday 9:00am–2:00pm

(During fall and spring break and between semesters, hours are Monday–Friday, 8:00am–4:30pm)

The Testing Center

(Phone: 615-353-3564)

The Testing Center, located in the Student Services Center, Room S-217, provides multiple testing services for students, faculty, and staff. The Testing Center supports the Tennessee Board of Regents’ admission requirements by providing assessment testing, the ACT Compass, for students enrolling in college. International students are required to take the Michigan Test for reading and writing and the ACT Compass test for math. For more information regarding the Michigan Test please contact Elizabeth Stein, 615-353-3380.

Additionally, the Testing Center administers a variety of exams for different departments on campus. The Testing Center proctors classroom individual make-up departmental exams, Web exams, end-of-program assessments, independent study tests, Exit Exam, and exams for students enrolled in Regents Online Degree Programs (RODP). The CLEP exam is also offered to students who are attempting to substitute lifelong learning skills or professional training for regular credit course work.

The Testing Center hours are:

Monday–Thursday 8:00am– 7:30pm
Friday 8:00am–4:30pm
Saturday 9:00am–2:00pm

Fall, spring, summer semester break hours will be from 8:00am–4:30pm.

Saturday test dates are reserved for Web exams, Independent Study, and RODP testing only. No classroom make-up departmental tests are permitted on Saturday.

Children are not allowed in the testing rooms and cannot be left unattended on campus.

The Learning Center

(Phone: 615-353-3551)

The Learning Center, located inside the John E. Mayfield Library, offers all NSCC students free, drop-in academic assistance with courses in which they are currently enrolled at the college. Services include access to computers for research, e-mail, etc. In addition, tutors are available to help in many subjects, especially mathematics, writing, and accounting. Free online tutoring is also available to students.

The Learning Center’s hours are as follows during fall and spring semesters:

Monday–Thursday 7:45am–7:00pm
Friday 7:45am–4:30pm
Saturday 9:00am–12:00pm

Children are not allowed in the Learning Center.

Career Employment Center

The Career Employment Center assists students and graduates with their employment needs. Businesses use the Center to locate qualified job applicants from the college. The Center assists with part-time and full-time employment opportunities. The Center staff is here to support you through exploring your career options, and preparing you for your job search. You are in control of your career search and we are here to guide you through the process.

While the Center does not operate as an employment agency nor does it guarantee employment to those individuals utilizing the services provided, the Center provides continuous service in matching the job needs of graduates and employers. Detailed descriptions of available positions and statistics on graduate employment/salaries are available in the Center.

Employers with job opportunities may list a position with the Center by e-mailing a job description to the address below:

Career Employment Center (Room S-206)
120 White Bridge Road • Nashville, TN 37209
615-353-3248 Phone • cec@nscc.edu (E-mail)
www.nscc.edu/student-resources/career-employment-center/ (Web site)

Career Assistance for A.A.S. and Technical Degree Seeking Students

It is extremely important that our graduates in the A.A.S. Degree and Technical Certificate programs are hired and employed in their chosen fields of study. All graduating seniors are encouraged to register with the Center at the beginning of their final semester. Résumés may be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format to the Center at Ejobs@nscc.edu or in person by appointment. Center personnel will review and approve all résumés submitted.

Career Employment Services are available to graduates within one year of graduation. Limited services may be available for alumni after that year to be determined by the Career Employment Center Director based on staffing availability, the economy and job availability.


Experience is an interactive job vacancy bulletin that allows A.A.S. Degree and Technical Certificate graduates to complete their entire career search process on line including posting their resume, searching position listings and applying on-line for these positions. Contact the Career Employment Center for your login and password to this system.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) Program/Internships

Cooperative Education is a partnership between the college and the business community that enables students to work in areas related to their major fields of study, earning academic credit as well as a paycheck. Students interested in the co-op program must meet all eligibility requirements.

Co-op requirements and applications are available on line at our website, or may be picked up in the Center.

The Career Employment Center will interview and screen co-op applicants. Only students who meet all eligibility requirements as well as those who exhibit sincerity, adequate skills and ability to fill a co-op position will be recommended by the Center to potential employers. All guidelines of the cooperative education program must be followed in order for students to be eligible to participate in the program.

Workforce and Community Development (WCD)

Business & Industry Training

Nashville State’s Workforce and Community Development program offers high quality and innovative employee training, professional development, continuing education, industrial, computer, technical and soft skills training. Through collaboration and expertise, WCD designs programs that meet company and employee specific needs.

Career Advancement

WCD has been a recognized leader in the community for offering adult students continuing education to re-skill or advance the current workforce. WCD offers certificate programs for supervisors, new managers, sales professionals, and the retail industry. It also helps advance careers by offering the most up-to-date skills training available. Programs are offered online as well as in traditional instructor led training.

Personal Enrichment

WCD offers a variety of classes for personal enrichment. Programs are open to anyone in the community. They include captivating and educational classes such as CompTIA A+ & Network+ Certification Training, Floral Design, Leadership, MS Office 2010, NSCC Toastmaster’s Club, PMP Exam Review, QuickBooks, and Writing Courses.

For the full catalog of Workforce and Community Development courses, see www.workforce.nscc.edu, call 615-353-3456 or 1-800-272-7363 ext. 3456.