General Technology
Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Contact Information: Program Office 615-353-3412, E-mail:, Program Site The General Technology curriculum allows students flexibility to design a technical specialization of their choice in a broad range of technologies to enhance their employment potential. Through the General Technology curriculum, students may tailor their educational programs to meet their own needs or the needs of present or potential employers. Immediately upon election of this degree, students develop an individualized Program of Study with the assistance of the General Technology advisor or the dean of Computer and Engineering Technologies. Graduation may be delayed for students who do not receive prior approval for course selections. Students who declare this major may prepare themselves for employment in many diverse occupations. The Business and Technology concentrations allow a focus adaptable to occupational areas related to business, health care, information technology, and engineering technologies. All college-level courses required for technical certificates from NSCC are applicable to the degree in General Technology. Specific certificates that feed to this A.A.S. degree include 3-D Design and Graphics, Central Processing Technology, Computer-Aided Drafting, Horticulture, Music Technology, and Surgical Technology. After careful evaluation, students may receive credit for approved training programs as well as for applicable work experience. Transfer/Advising The A.A.S. degree is designed to prepare a student for employment upon graduation. Some universities, at their discretion, accept some technical courses for transfer. A student who plans to transfer to a university should consult his/her advisor and the receiving university about transfer and articulation policies. Failure to do so could result in loss of transfer credits. General Education Courses
- ENGL 1010 - English Composition I* 3 Credits
- Mathematics or Natural Sciences Elective 3-4 Credits
- Humanities Elective 3 Credits
- Social Sciences Elective 3 Credits
- Elective from Communications or an area listed above 3-4 Credits
Technical Courses
Students must complete a minimum of 14 credits from the technical, math, or science areas. Approved areas and courses include: ACT, ASTR, BIOL, CAD, CHEM, CIS, CISP, CIT, CNT, COM, CPT, EETH, ENGR, ENGT, GEOL, HORT, INFS, MATH, MST, MTEC, MUS 1010 , MUS 1020 , MUS 1021 , MUS 2020 , MUS 2021 , MUS 2131 , MUS 2132 , MUS 2133 , MUS 2134 , PHO, PHYS, PSCI, PTEC, SURG. Exceptions must be approved by the General Technology advisor or the dean of Computer and Engineering Technologies. Elective Courses
- All electives must be approved by the General Technology advisor or the dean of Computer and Engineering Technologies and should include courses selected to meet the specific objective of the student.
Total Required – Associate’s Degree: 60 Credits
Electives for both concentrations should come from the technical, math, science, and business areas. Approved areas and courses include: ACCT, ACT, ASTR, BIOL, BUSN, CAD, CHEM, CIS, CISP, CIT, CNT, COM, CPT, ECON, EETH, ENGR, ENGT, ENTR, FIN, GEOL, HCM, HORT, INFS, MATH, MKT, MST, MTEC, MUS 1010 , MUS 1020 , MUS 1021 , MUS 2020 , MUS 2021 , MUS 2131 , MUS 2132 , MUS 2133 , MUS 2134 , OAD, PHO, PHYS, PSCI, PTEC, SURG. Up to 9 hours of guided electives related to the student’s technical or business interest may be included if approved by the General Technology advisor or the dean of Computer and Engineering Technologies. Exceptions must be approved by the General Technology advisor or the dean of Computer and Engineering Technologies. Detailed programs of study can be viewed at the General Technology Program website. Additional course requirements: The Tennessee Board of Regents requires that students either demonstrate the appropriate skill levels in math, reading, and/or writing before enrolling in college-level courses or enroll in appropriate co-requisite experiences with college-level courses to develop competency in those skills while performing college-level work. ACT/SAT scores, COMPASS test scores, or other relevant information determine whether a student needs to enroll in co-requisite courses in math, reading, and/or writing (English). Cooperative work experience can be an important addition to a student’s formal classroom work. Co-op courses may substitute for technical courses with the prior approval of the Program advisor or the dean of Computer and Engineering Technologies. The Career Services Office will provide the correct course numbers. * This course is part of the general education core. |