2021-2022 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Records, Prior Learning, and Registration Procedures

Student Registration

Prior Learning Assessment

Student Records


Student ID (“A” Number)

The Student Identification Number is a randomly selected 8-digit number beginning with the letter “A” that has been created for students, faculty, and staff to protect an individual’s social security number (SSN). The “A” number is used by students to log into MyNSCC (Web for Students) to access grades, register, view holds, etc. Students are still required to disclose their SSN when they apply for admissions. This SSN is immediately converted to an “A” number for privacy. If a student wishes to not disclose his/her SSN, they should be aware that this could affect federal and/or state financial assistance.

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

A student’s personal identification number is used for verification purposes. The most common use is for access to the MyNSCC registration system. For more information or assistance using, resetting, or obtaining a PIN, please contact the Records Office at 615-353-3218 or the Computer Services Help Desk at 615-353-3678.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Nashville State Community College works in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable educational records of students and former students. Students have the right to inspect and review information contained in their educational records, to challenge the contents of their educational records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if the decision of the hearing panel is unacceptable.

“Directory information” concerning students is treated as public information and may be released to outside parties unless otherwise requested by the student. A student who desires not to have any or all directory information released must complete the appropriate form in the Records Office. The request shall remain in effect unless or until revoked by the student.

“Directory information” includes student name, address, telephone number, student ID, major field of study, participation in recognized activities, dates of attendance, full-time/part-time status, degrees and awards received, and the most recent educational institution attended by the student.

Graduating/transferring students desiring non-disclosure after leaving Nashville State Community College must complete the request prior to the end of their last term. The request for non-disclosure will remain in effect until revoked by the student.

NSCC does not make a practice of supplying student lists to third parties. We reserve the right to limit distribution to on-campus departmental requests.

Students’ rights are outlined in the Nashville State Community College Student Policy Handbook .

Parent Access to Student Education Records

If you as a parent claimed your student as a dependent (as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code) for tax purposes in the most recent tax year, you may request a copy of the student’s records.

Before requesting a review of records, we highly recommend that you discuss your intentions with your student first. Your student may share the information you need, avoiding further action on your part. If you are interested in seeing your student’s grades, we recommend asking your student to complete a Request to Share information form which will allow the college to share this information.

To request a copy of student records, please complete the Parent Request for Disclosure of Records form and submit it to the Records Office along with all required documentation indicated on the form. Completing the form allows the college to release information for the academic semesters covered by the tax year for which you claimed your student as a dependent. If you need access for an upcoming year, you will be required to complete another form at that time.

We are required to notify your student in writing that you have requested and will be given a copy of their records.

Change of Name or Address

The Records Office should be informed of all changes in the student’s legal name, place of residence, mailing address, and telephone number. The college is not responsible for a student not receiving official information, if the student failed to notify the college of any of the changes stated above. Change of names requires documentation, i.e. marriage license, divorce decree, passport, state of Tennessee issued driver’s license, or social security card.

Registration Information

The schedule of courses contains the necessary information for registration. For more registration information, please refer to the Academic Calendar .

Official Registration

When students register for a term, the courses are not official until payment of all fees have been received in the Bursar’s Office. If fees have not been paid by the designated dates, students are purged (dropped) from all registered classes for the applicable term. The minimum load for a full-time student is 12 credit hours.

Change of Registration Drop/Add

A student desiring to add or drop a course must do so by the drop/add deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar . Courses dropped through the fourteenth calendar day from the first day of classes of each semester will not be entered on the student’s permanent record. Courses dropped after this period will be entered on the permanent record and assigned a grade of “W”. After classes begin, students must gain approval from the Director of Student Success to drop their last class. After classes begin, students must gain approval from the Director of Student Success to drop their last class. Please see the “Withdrawing from the College” section of this catalog.

Official Enrollment

Students are officially enrolled when all assessed fees have been paid. Enrollment verification requests will not be processed until the first day of class for the term requested.

Course Load

A part-time student carries an academic load of fewer than 12 credit hours. A half-time student carries an academic load of at least 6 credit hours. In general, loan deferments require a status of at least half-time. A full-time student carries an academic load of 12 hours or more. The maximum load for a student is 21 credit hours. When a student wishes to register for more than 21 credit hours, approval is required from either the Associate Vice President of Student Services and Student Life or Division Dean.

Honors College

The Honors College is open to new and currently enrolled students. First-semester freshmen should have a 26 ACT composite score or an 1100 SAT score. Returning or continuing students must have completed 12 hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. All applicants must submit an application form, a writing sample, and may be asked to participate in an interview with an honors committee representative. For more information and an application form, contact the Honors College Advisor at 615-353-3525.

Course Cancellations

NSCC reserves the right to cancel classes that do not have sufficient enrollment. Refer to the respective academic division for additional course cancellation information.

Waiver of Prerequisites

Under special circumstances, prerequisites may be waived and taken out of sequence. Approval to waive a prerequisite shall be the responsibility of the faculty, satellite campus director/coordinator, or the discipline dean. Students must still complete all courses required in the curriculum and meet minimum hours for graduation.

Attendance Policy

A student is expected to attend all scheduled classes and laboratories. Students should refer to each course syllabus to obtain the course attendance policies. A student who violates the instructor’s stated attendance policy may be subject to receive a grade of “FA” (Failed Attending) or “FN” (Failed Never Attended). Effective March 31, 2017, revisions were made to the TBR attendance policy 2:03:01:01 to reflect when a student would receive a grade of “F” or “FA” due to attendance. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the last day an “FA” grade will be issued each semester.

Withdrawing from the College

After classes begin, students must complete the Drop/Add/Withdrawal form to the Director of Student Success to drop to 0 hours.”  A student is not officially withdrawn until the Director of Student Success approves the required form and it is processed in the Records Office.  Students utilizing educational benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs are responsible for any over payment of benefits due to non-attendance of or withdrawal from any and all classes.” The last day to withdraw from the college is listed in the Academic Calendar. Students enrolled in Continuing Education (special interest courses) that are not in sequence with the academic term will be informed of the established withdrawal date during the first class meeting. A student may appeal the withdrawal policy to the Associate Vice President of Student Services and Student Life if they feel there is documented evidence of extreme personal hardship or such mitigating circumstances as the following:

  1. Injury or illness as verified by the student’s personal physician;
  2. Death in the family or other severe personal hardships as verified by the student’s parents, minister, physician, etc;
  3. Change in employment status (work schedule) as verified by the student’s employer; or
  4. Job relocation as verified by the student’s employer.

Such exceptions to the withdrawal policy must be approved by the Associate Vice President of Student Services and Student Life.

A student is not officially withdrawn until the Director of Student Success approves the required form and it is processed in the Records Office.  Students utilizing educational benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs are responsible for any overpayment of benefits due to non-attendance of or “withdrawal from any and all classes.”

Final Exams

Final exams are customarily held in all subjects at the end of each semester. The final exam schedule is posted on the NSCC Web site. Absence from an examination, without permission from the instructor, may result in a failing grade for the course.

Transcript of Academic Record

The Records Office maintains permanent academic records for each student. All transcript requests must be in writing; therefore, no telephone requests will be honored. Faxed or mailed requests require a student signature and copy of photo ID such as a valid Driver’s License or School Student ID. Official transcripts will be sent directly to another educational institution or business. Unofficial (student) copies are issued to students and advisors. In all cases, financial obligations to the college must be fulfilled before a transcript will be issued. Furthermore, transcript requests will be held for a maximum of 30 days to allow the student time to clear the financial hold; after 30 days, the student must re-submit the transcript request as the previous request will be disregarded.

Normally, transcripts will be sent within 48-72 hours after receiving the request from a student. There is no charge for transcripts. However, the Records Office reserves the right to restrict the number of transcripts a student can request at any given time if it is deemed excessive. Unofficial student transcripts can be accessed via MyNSCC. Proper identification will be required for all transcript requests made in person.

Student records are maintained for academic purposes. These records allow the college to validate a student’s academic performance. All requests to review a student’s record require the student’s written authorization, except as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.

Students will not be able to obtain any official documents given to the Records Office since that document becomes the property of NSCC. Once an official document has been given to the Records Office, the document is imaged and the original document is destroyed.

College Transfer Credit

Credit will be awarded to transfer students when the following standards are met:

  1. The student must matriculate (enroll) at NSCC.
  2. Official college or university transcripts from each institution are on file in the student’s NSCC academic record.
  3. All courses will be transferred in (including withdrawals and failures) that are undergraduate level, per the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Policy: 2:01:00:00.
  4. NSCC does not transfer in GPA’s from other institutions. Only courses taken at NSCC will be used to compute the students GPA.

U.S. Military Schools

Nashville State Community College recognizes and awards credit for military service schools in which the student has satisfactorily completed a course. Training is evaluated using the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.

If necessary, other recognized publications may be consulted in the evaluation of armed service schools. No more than 50% of the credit hours required to obtain an Associate degree or certificate may be earned through military service schools.

The student must provide the Records Office the required documentation for the evaluation of military training.

Veteran Benefits

Veterans and eligible dependents of veterans who wish to apply for educational benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) should apply online at www.vets.gov and complete the necessary forms. For information about using you benefits, contact the Coordinator of Veteran Services at 615-353-3211. To be certified, a student must submit their Certificate of Eligibility and DD214 (member copy #4) if they are the Veteran. In addition, the “Request for Certification” form must be submitted each semester. Also, if the student would like their fees deferred, they must also submit the “Deferment Request” form each semester. While on deferment, the student assumes responsibility for payment of fees in full to the college by the last day of classes for the semester; if the student does not pay by the last day of the semester, they may not be eligible for deferment in the future.

Eligibility for Deferment of Payment of Tuition and Fees by Certain Eligible Students Receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or Other Governmentally Funded Educational Assistance Benefits

Service Members, Veterans, and Dependents of Veterans who are eligible beneficiaries of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs educational benefits or other governmentally-funded educational assistance, subject to the conditions and guidelines set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-7-104 as amended, may elect, upon formal application, to defer payment of required tuition and fees until the final day of the term. The amount of the deferment shall not exceed the total monetary benefits to be received for the term. Students who have been granted deferments are expected to make timely payments on their outstanding tuition and fee balance. Eligibility for such deferment shall terminate if the student fails to abide by any applicable rule or regulations. This notice is published pursuant to Public Chapter 279, Acts of 2003, effective July 1, 2003. To apply for deferment, contact the Coordinator of Veteran Services at 615-353-3211.

Prior Learning Assessment

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a term used to describe the evaluation of learning gained outside a traditional academic environment. Prior learning refers to the knowledge students acquire while living their lives, such as by working, participating in employer training programs, serving in the military, studying independently, volunteering or doing community service, and studying open source courseware. PLA is the evaluation and assessment of an individual’s life learning for college credit, certification, or advanced standing toward further education or training.

Nashville State Community College values the diversity of its students. This diversity includes the unique experiences, interests, and intellectual pursuits that lead to the acquisition of knowledge that may be equivalent to coursework at the college level. College-level learning is the same, whether acquired in the traditional college classroom or through non-academic sources. This equivalency is validated by academically sound and rigorous prior learning assessment methods.

Up to 75% of the total number of credit hours required for a certificate or degree may be earned through PLA. For VA students, only 50% of the degree or certificate can be completed using PLA credit.  In all cases, a student must complete 25% of the total number of credit hours required for a certificate or degree at Nashville State to meet the residency requirement for graduation as PLA credits do not count toward this requirement.

Benefits of Prior Learning Assessment

  • Recognition for Learning and Knowledge Gained Outside a Traditional College Classroom
  • Acceleration to Earning a Certificate or Degree
  • Lower Tuition Costs

Eligibility Requirements for Prior Learning Assessment

  • Student must be enrolled at Nashville State.
  • Student has declared a major, either for a technical certificate, a transfer degree, or a terminal degree.
  • Student has consulted with the divisional dean of the declared major about the possibility and advisability of seeking PLA credit.
  • Course(s) in which PLA credit is sought must be directly applicable to curriculum requirements of the declared program. Changing majors will result in a reassessment of the applicability of the PLA credit.
  • Student applies for and follows all procedures to request and receive PLA credit.
  • Any fees associated with PLA credit will be paid in full before PLA credit is posted to the official transcript.

Please note: PLA credit may not duplicate credit already awarded or replace a failing grade.

Prior Learning Assessment Options and Procedures

Students enrolled at Nashville State Community College may meet some course requirements for graduation through the following Prior Learning Assessment options and procedures:

SAT and ACT Scores

NSCC Applicants who have a valid ACT English sub-score of 27 or higher or a valid SAT critical reading score of 610 or higher may receive credit for ENGL 1010 .  To be awarded credit for ENGL 1010, the student must be admitted and present ACT or SAT scores within five years of the original test date. Credit granted by another Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institution will be honored regardless of the timeframe.

High School Dual Credit

Dual Credit is a program that allows Career and Technical Education high school students the opportunity to earn college credit for college courses that are equivalent to the high school course(s) they are taking. College credit is earned by passing a comprehensive test that covers the competencies of the college course. College credit earned through Dual Credit will transfer to other post-secondary institutions at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is up to the individual student to contact the receiving college/university to verify if the credit earned will transfer. College credit earned through Dual Credit will not be listed on an NSCC transcript if the student has never enrolled at NSCC as a student.

Requirements to Test for Dual Credit

  • Earn at least a “C” final grade in the high school course(s) that are equivalent to the NSCC course(s) students are attempting to earn credit for.
  • Complete the “Permission to Test for Dual Credit” application and submit it to the Nashville State High School Programs office.
  • Submit a copy of the high school transcript verifying enrollment in required high school course(s).
  • Submit a check or money order for $25 payable to Nashville State Community College.

Taking the Dual Credit Exam

  • The exam is administered at the high school.
  • Students must test by the end of the NSCC Summer semester of the year they graduate from high school to participate in Dual Credit.

NSCC Dual Credit Options

High School Courses Equivalent NSCC Courses
Teaching as a Profession I, II & III
EDUC 2010 - Introduction to Teaching  (3 college credit hours)
*Student must complete all 3 HS courses to participate.
**HS TAP teachers must attend NSCC training sessions to offer this.
Criminal Justice I
Criminal Justice II
Criminal Justice III
CRMJ 1010 - Intro to Criminal Justice  (3 college credit hours)
CRMJ 1340 - Criminal Investigation  (3 college credit hours)
CRMJ 1360 - Intro. to Crime Scene Invest.  (3 college credit hours)
Culinary I, II & III
CULA 1320 - Culinary I (Fundamentals)  (3 college credit hours)
CULA 1200 - Sanitation and Food Safety  (2 college credit hours)
*Student must have ServSafe certification to receive credit for CULA 1200.
Architecture & Engineering Design I and II or
Autodesk CAD certificate
CADD 1200 - AutoCAD Fundamentals  (3 college credit hours)
Architecture & Engineering Design I, II and III or
Autodesk Revit certificate
CADD 1650 - REVIT Fundamentals  (3 college credit hours)
Autodesk Inventor certificate CADD 2113 - 3-D AutoCAD & Solid Modeling  (3 college credit hours)
Residential & Commercial Construction I and II  CIVT 1250 - Materials and Methods of Construction  (3 college credit hours)
Personal Finance BUSN 1300 - Personal Finance  (3 college credit hours)
Business Management BUSN 1305 - Introduction to Business  (3 college credit hours)
Marketing & Management Principles I BUSN 2380 - Principles of Marketing  (3 college credit hours)
Wholesale Logistics LOGI 1000 - Introduction to Logistics  (3 college credit hours)
Entrepreneurship ENTR 1600 - Entrepreneurship  (3 college credit hours)
Web Site Foundations COM 1000 - HTML & CSS for Designers  (3 college credit hours)
Digital Design I, II and III COM 1230 - Digital Imaging I  (3 college credit hours)
Music Industry Survey MST 1210 - The Business of Music  (3 college credit hours)
Completion of 1 year of High School Chemistry and
enrollment in NSCC’s Industrial Process Control program
IPCT 1310 - Intro to Process Technology  (3 college credit hours)
Completion of 1 year of High School Welding (565 hours)
(Intended for students planning to enroll in
NSCC’s Industrial Process Control program.)
WELD 1381 - Principles of Welding  (3 college credit hours)
Completed pathway in Health Science or
Medical Terminology
BIOL 1000 - Medical Terminology  (3 college credit hours)
Architecture & Engineering Design I, II & III ARCT 1120 Intro to Architecture
Leadership I, II & III BUSN 2330 Principles of Management
Digital Design Pathway COM 2010 Digital Video Editing
Computer Applications INFS 1010 Computer Applications
Digital Electronics; Mechatronics; Engergy and Power Distribution
Technology I or II

EETC 1313 & 1314 AC/DC Circuits
Energy and Power Distribution Technology II; Mechatronics EETC 1321 & 1322 Electronics I & II Studens must pass EETC 1313/1314 before attempting EETC 1321/1322
Audio Production II MST 1130 Studio Recording I
Audio Production III MST 1240 Digital Audio Production I
Recording Industry II MST 1210 The Business of Music
For more information, contact NSCC High School Programs at 615-353-3269 or e-mail highschoolprograms@nscc.edu.

College Board Advanced Placement Examinations

Nashville State will award advanced standing credit to entering students based upon Advanced Placement (AP) Examination results.

Awarding College Board Advanced Placement Examination Credit

  • Scores ranging from 3 to 5 will be awarded appropriate credit. Students take the AP exams at their high schools.
  • No fees are charged for awarding this credit.
  • Official College Board AP exam scores should be submitted to the Records Office for processing.

Advance Standing Credit Awards for College Board Advance Placement Examinations

AP Exam   Score Credit Hours NSCC Course
Art History 3, 4, 5 3 ART 2000  
Biology 3
4, 5
(BIOL 1010 ) or (BIOL 1110 )
(BIOL 1010  & 1020 ) or (BIOL 1110  & 1120 )
Calculus AB 3
4, 5
MATH 1830 
(MATH 1830 ) or (MATH 1910 )
Calculus BC 3, 4, 5 3 MATH 1910  & MATH 1920  
Chemistry 3
4, 5
CHEM 1110 
CHEM 1110  & CHEM 1120  
Chinese Language & Culture 3
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 4 CISP 1010  
Macroeconomics 3, 4, 5 3 ECON 2100  
Microeconomics 3, 4, 5 3 ECON 2200  
English Language 3
4, 5
ENGL 1010 
ENGL 1010  & ENGL 1020  
English Literature 3, 4, 5 6 ENGL 2210  & 2220  
Environmental Science 3, 4, 5 4 BIOL 2115  
European History 3, 4, 5 6 HSGE 1999 (General Education History)
French Language & Culture 3
FREN 1010  & 1020 
FREN 1010 , 1020  & 2010 
FREN 1010 , 1020 , 2010  & 2020  
German Language & Culture 3
GERM 1010 & 1020
GERM 1010, 1020 & FRLG 1999 (3 Credits)
GERM 1010, 1020, FRLG 1999 (6 Credits)
Comparative Government & Politics 3, 4, 5 3 SSGE 1999 (General Education Social Science Elective)
U.S. Gov’t & Politics 3, 4, 5 3 POLS 1030  
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 3 SSGE 1999 (General Education Social Science Elective)
Italian Language & Culture 3
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
Japanese Language & Culture 3
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
Latin 3
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
FRLG 1999 (Foreign Language Elective)
Music Theory 3, 4, 5 3 MUS 1070   
Physics B 3
4, 5
PHYS 2010 
PHYS 2010  & 2020  
Physics C 3, 4, 5
3, 4, 5
PHYS 2110  (Pt. 1)
PHYS 2120  (Pt. 2)
Psychology 3, 4, 5 3 PSYC 1030  
Spanish Language 3
SPAN 1010  & 1020 
SPAN 1010 , 1020  & 2010 
SPAN 1010 , 1020 , 2010  & 2020  
Statistics 3, 4, 5 3 MATH 1530  
Studio Art Drawing 3, 4, 5 3 ART 1045  
Studio Art 2D Design 3, 4, 5 3 ART 1340  
Studio Art 3D Design 3, 4, 5 3 ART 1350  
U.S. History 3, 4, 5 6 HIST 2010  & 2020  
U.S. Government & Politics 3, 4, 5 3 POLS 1030  
World History 3, 4, 5 6 HIST 2310  & HIST 2320  

International Baccalaureate Examinations

Nashville State will award advanced standing credit to entering students based upon International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination results.

Awarding International Baccalaureate Examination Credit

  • Scores ranging from 5 to 7 will be awarded appropriate credit. Students take the IB exams at their high school.
  • No fees are charged for awarding this credit.
  • Official IB exam scores should be submitted to the Records Office for processing.

Advanced Standing Credit Awards for International Baccalaureate Examinations

Standard Level IB Courses
International Baccalaureate Course IB Score NSCC Course Semester Hours
Art A or B (SL) 5-7 ART 1035   3
Chemistry (SL) 6 or 7 CHEM 1050  or CHEM 1110   4
Economics (SL) 6 or 7 ECON 2100  & ECON 2200   6
English A1 (SL) 6 or 7 ENGL 1010   3
French A1 (SL) 6 or 7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
German A1 (SL) 7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Japanese A1 (SL) 7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Latin A1 (SL) 7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Mathematics (SL) 5-7 MATH 1710   3
Music A (SL) 6 or 7 MUS 1030   3
Physics (SL) 5-7 PSCI 1030   4
Psychology (SL) 5-7 PSYC 1030   3
Russian A1 (SL) 7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Spanish A1 (SL) 7 SPAN 1010  & SPAN 1020   6
Theatre Arts (SL) 5-7 THEA 1030   3
Higher Level IB Courses
International Baccalaureate Course IB Score NSCC Course Semester Hours
Art (HL) 5-7 ART 1035   3
Biology (HL) 5 BIOL 1010  & BIOL 1020   8
Biology (HL) 6 or 7 BIOL 1110  & BIOL 1120   8
Chemistry (HL) 5 CHEM 1110   4
Chemistry (HL) 6 or 7 CHEM 1110  & CHEM 1120   8
Economics (HL) 5-7 ECON 2100  & ECON 2200   6
English A1 (HL) 5 ENGL 1010   3
English A1 (HL) 6 or 7 ENGL 1010  & ENGL 1020   6
French A1 (HL) 5-7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
German A1 (HL) 5-7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
History (HL) 5-7 General Education History 3
Japanese A1 (HL) 5-7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Latin A1 (HL) 5-7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Mathematics (HL) 5-7 MATH 1710  & MATH 1830   6
Philosophy (HL) 5-7 PHIL 1030   3
Physics (HL) 6 or 7 PHYS 2010  & PHYS 2020   8
Psychology (HL) 5-7 PSYC 1030   3
Russian A1 (HL) 5-7 6 hours of Foreign Language 6
Spanish A1 (HL) 5-7 SPAN 1010  & SPAN 1020   6
Theatre Arts (HL) 5-7 THEA 1030   3

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Run by the College Board, CLEP is a program of “credit by examination” which offers individuals an opportunity to earn college credit without enrolling in specific college courses. College-level competencies may have been acquired through personal reading, formal study, job experience, volunteer experience, correspondence courses, military training, or advanced high school courses. CLEP examinations assess these competencies; achieving the score indicated below on an examination earns the student credit for the course(s) listed in the right-hand column.

CLEP Examinations with NSCC Course Equivalencies

CLEP EXAMINATION Score Credit Hours Equivalent Course
American Government 50 3 POLS 1030  
American Literature 50 6 ENGL 2110  & 2120  
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 6 ENGL 2035  & 2020  
Biology 50 8 BIOL 1110  & BIOL 1120  
Calculus 50 4 MATH 1910  
Chemistry 50 8 CHEM 1110  & 1120  
College Algebra 50 3 (MATH 1130 ) or (MATH 1630 )
College Composition (also Freshman) 50 6 ENGL 1010  & ENGL 1020  
College Composition Modular 50 6 ENGL 1010  & ENGL 1020  
College Mathematics 50 3 MATH 1010  
English Literature 50 6 (ENGL 2035  & 2020 ) or (ENGL 2210  & 2220 )
Financial Accounting 50 3 ACCT 1010  
French Language, Level 1 50 6 FREN 1010  & 1020  
French Language, Level 2 59 12 FREN 1010 , 1020 , 2010  & 2020  
German Language, Level 1 50 6 GERM 1010 & 1020
German Language, Level 2 60 12 GERM 1010, 1020, & GERM 1999 (6 Credits)
History of the United States I 50 3 HIST 2010  
History of the United States II 50 3 HIST 2020  
Human Growth and Development 50 3 PSYC 2130  
Humanities 50 6 HMGE 1999 (Humanities General Education)
Information Systems 50 3 INFS 1010  
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 3 (PSYC 2100 ) or (EDUC 2210 )
Introductory Business Law 50 3 BUS 2600
Introductory Psychology 50 3 PSYC 1030  
Introductory Sociology 50 3 SOCI 1010  
Natural Sciences 50 8 BIOL 1010  & 1020  
Precalculus 50 3 MATH 1710  
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 ECON 2100  
Principles of Management 50 3 BUSN 2330  
Principles of Marketing 50 3 BUSN 2380  
Principles of Microeconomics 50 3 ECON 2200  
Social Sciences & History 50 6 SSGE 1999 (General Education Social Science)
Spanish Language, Level 1 50 6 SPAN 1010  & 1020  
Spanish Language, Level 2 63 12 SPAN 1010 , 1020 , 2010  & 2020  
Western Civilization I 50 3 HIST 2310  
Western Civilization II 50 3 HIST 2320  

Testing Times for CLEP Exams

Students may take CLEP Examinations only by appointment and should register for an appointment at one of these campuses by going to the NSCC website and choosing CLEP:

Additional Information about CLEP Tests

  • Contact the Testing Center at 615-353-3564.
  • For information regarding obtaining CLEP Scores, please contact CLEP at 800-257-9558 or visit the College Board website at www.collegeboard.org/clep.

Departmental Examination

Credit by Departmental Examination permits students to earn full credit for NSCC college-level courses through successful completion of comprehensive examinations. Program requirements differ. Students must consult the appropriate divisional dean for requirements in their major.

To be Eligible for Credit by Departmental Examination, a Student:

  • Must be currently enrolled in classes at NSCC.
  • Must meet any prerequisite requirement (s) established for the course for which the exam is requested.
  • May not pursue Credit by Examination where credit in an equivalent or more advanced course has been earned, or a course successfully completed (including audited courses).
  • Must apply for and complete the examination within seven calendar days from the first day of class of the current term.

Steps in Applying for Credit by Departmental Examination

  1. Obtain the Request for Prior Learning Assessment Application form from the Records Office and complete the Credit by Departmental Examination section.
  2. Possess and demonstrate the requisite knowledge and skills for the course for which the student is taking the examination and receive the academic advisor’s approval to take the exam.
  3. Submit the form to the appropriate divisional dean. Permission to take the examination may be denied if the academic advisor or divisional dean determines that the student does not have a valid basis for the request. The decision of the divisional dean is final.
  4. Upon approval by the divisional dean, the student must pay the $28.50 examination fee (non-refundable) to the Testing Center via RegisterBlast at the time the appointment is made in RegisterBlast. Students will register for the test at www.nscc.edu/testing-center.

Completion and Awarding of Credit Following the Credit by Departmental Examination

  1. For successful completion of Credit by Departmental Examination, a student must achieve a minimum of 75% on the examination. The credit will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript as “Advanced Standing – Credit by Examination” and does not affect the student’s GPA.
  2. Students currently enrolled in the course for which they successfully complete Credit by Examination will be dropped from the course and receive full refund of payments related to the course.

NOTE: Credit by Examination does not apply toward residency requirements for graduation. Students intending to transfer should consult with the college or university to which they are applying about the transferability of Credit by Examination hours.

Prior Work Experience Portfolio Assessment

If students pursuing a technical certificate or degree have work experience that has provided a background similar to that of one or more courses in their major curriculum, they may request that the division responsible for the course(s) evaluate the work experience for credit purposes. Evaluators may include the divisional dean, divisional faculty, and other Nashville State faculty.

To be eligible for Prior Work Experience credit, students must prepare a portfolio to:

  1. Demonstrate and validate credit for learning acquired outside of the classroom.
  2. Show relevance to the certificate or degree program in which they are enrolled.
  3. Provide documentation of work performed. Documentation may include but is not limited to:
    1.  Expanded resume showing work experience. Include name, work phone, and email address for each supervisor and permission to contact current and former employers.
    2. Job descriptions of all positions demonstrating work experience in an area related to the course(s).
    3. Letter of confirmation/recommendation from current supervisor.
    4. Awards, honors, industry certifications.
    5. Certificates of training.
    6. Work samples showing competency for each course outcome for the course(s) in which credit is being requested. Permission to share work samples must be obtained from the current supervisor or prior supervisor.

Steps in Applying for Prior Work Experience Portfolio Assessment

  • Complete the Nashville State admissions process.
  • Obtain the Prior Learning Assessment Application from the Records Office and complete the Request for Portfolio Assessment section.
  • Meet with the academic advisor to review certificate or degree requirements and determine if earning credit through the PLA portfolio option is appropriate.
  • Meet with the divisional dean to get information about the format and contents of the portfolio to be submitted.
  • Submit the completed form and portfolio to the divisional dean.

Upon approval by the divisional dean, the student’s portfolio will be assessed for credit.

Completion and Awarding of Credit for Portfolio Assessment

Designated faculty with expertise in the discipline area(s) presented in the experiential portfolio will evaluate the portfolio and make recommendations regarding the number of credit hours to award. If credit is awarded, the division dean will submit the appropriate form to the Records Office. Approved course credit will be applied to the transcript.

U.S. Military Training and Experience

When awarding credit to students who are veterans or military service members, Nashville State will refer to the Joint Services Transcript (JST), DD-214 and/or transcripts from the Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS), Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART), Community College of Air Force (CCASF), and/or the Coast Guard Institute (CGI). Nashville State will use the American Council of Education (ACE) guidelines for awarding credit for military experience, education, and/or training obtained during military experience. The recognized procedures include:

  1. If military experience, education, and/or training are equivalent to a course that fulfills a general education or degree program requirement, the course credit will count towards graduation. Otherwise, appropriate course credit will be granted for elective credit.
  2. If credit is not awarded through ACE recommendations, Nashville State will offer veterans and service members an opportunity for PLA through another PLA option.
  3. Nashville State will provide veteran and military service members relevant information on awarding college credit for military education, experience and/or training.
  4. Nashville State will provide contact information to veteran and military service members to the appropriate office for evaluating and awarding credits.

The National College Credit Recommendation Service

Credit may also be granted for appropriate educational experience listed in the Directory of the National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction and in the National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs by the American Council on Education. If the educational experience is adequate for credit, the divisional dean will submit the necessary form to the Records Office for processing.

Professional Certification Examinations

Certification is a designation earned by a person that ensures the individual is qualified to perform a task or job. Certification differs from licensure in that certification is an employment qualification and not a legal requirement for practicing a profession. Students may receive advanced standing credit by successfully completing recognized professional certification exams. Official examination results should be submitted to the Records Office if the exam is completed after the student has been admitted to NSCC.

Credit for the Certified Administrative Professional Exam Credit

A currently enrolled student may receive advanced standing credit by successfully completing the Certified Administrative Professional Exam (CAP). The student may receive the following credits based on verification of successful completion of the exam:

Course Credits
ADMN 1308 - Office Procedures   3
ADMN 1310 - Business Communications   3
BUSN 1305 - Introduction to Business   3
BUSN 2340 - Human Resource Management   3

Students should consult with their academic advisor when requesting credit earned through the CAP. For more information on this exam, please visit the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) website (www.iaap-hq.org). Students should consult their assigned advisor for scheduling of courses prior to the exam to ensure maximum credit for the exam.

External Parameters for Awarding Prior Learning Assessment

Any credits awarded for PLA must be in accordance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC Standard 3.4.4), policies and guidelines of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, and policies and guidelines of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR). If a program accrediting agency imposes a specific maximum for PLA credit, that maximum will be honored for that program.

Transferability of Prior Learning Assessment Credits

State of Tennessee public institutions may accept PLA credits transferred provided they are applicable to the degree or certificate the student has declared and academic policies of the transfer institution allow for credit for the specific type of PLA credit the student wishes to transfer.

Although University Parallel programs vary at four-year public institutions, PLA credit awarded at one institution that meets the common General Education Core requirements and/or Tennessee Transfer Pathway (TTP) requirements must be accepted as transfer credit toward the degree if the student transfers to a public institution in the State of Tennessee in accordance with the Transfer Guarantee policies related to the General Education Core of the TTP.

Student Records

Grading System

The following grading system is used at Nashville State Community College:

Grade   Quality Points/Grade
Points Values per
Semester Credit Hour
A Superior 4  
B Excellent 3  
C Average 2  
D Passing, but below average 1  
F Failure 0  
FA Failure, Attendance-Related (unofficial withdrawal) 0  
FN Failure, Never Attended Class (unofficial withdrawal) 0  
P Pass 0  
S Satisfactory 0  
U Unsatisfactory 0  

Other marks which may appear on the grade report and/or transcripts are as follows: 

W Withdrawal – withdrawal from course initiated by the student.
I Incomplete – The “I” indicates that the student has not completed all of the course work due to such extenuating circumstances as personal illness, death in the family, or other justifiable reasons. If the “I” grade is not removed by the deadline, it will be automatically change to an “F”. The deadlines for removal are in the Records Office and listed on Academic Calendars found in the catalog and all printed schedules.
X Continuation – The “X” indicates the student attempted a remedial or developmental course, but progress was not sufficient to warrant a grade. It carries no connotation of failure. It indicates the student, upon the advice of the instructor, should register for the same course and takes more time to earn a grade. The “X” grade is restricted to use in the R/D courses. An overall maximum of 15 semester hours of “X” is allowed. Veterans who are receiving educational benefits cannot be awarded an “X” grade in any course.
AU Audit- No grade or credit awarded.
NR No grade reported. This grade is assigned when a grade is not issued by the instructor of the course.

Grades of “W”, “I”, “X”, “AU”, and “NR” have no grade point value and are not used in computing grade point average.

Grade Point Average

The academic standing of a student is expressed in terms of a quality point average (QPA)/grade point average (GPA). When a course is completed, the number of grade points earned is determined by multiplying the credit hours earned for that course by the grade points assigned to the letter grade earned. Examples on calculating a GPA are found on the Records Office website: www.nscc.edu/records.

Dean’s List

Degree-seeking students who achieve a term QPA/GPA of at least 3.5 during any semester in which they are at least part-time (six hours) will be listed on the Dean’s List based on college-level course work.

President’s List 

Degree-seeking students who achieve a term QPA/GPA of at least 4.0 during any semester in which they are at least part-time (six hours) will be listed on the President’s List based on college-level course work. 

Repeating Courses

For the purpose of raising a grade point average, a student may only repeat a course in which the previous grade earned is “C” or lower. The Academic Dean of the discipline course must approve any exception to this before the student registers to repeat the course. When a course is repeated for the first time, the last grade earned is used in the calculation of the student’s quality/grade point average regardless of which grade is higher. The grade earned in the third and subsequent attempts will be used in calculating the QPA/GPA. The credit hours earned by repeating a course will be counted only one time in the cumulative total hours earned. In all instances, the last grade earned is used to determine whether the student meets graduation requirements.

Veterans repeating courses for which they have passing grades (D or higher) are advised to speak with the College’s VA certifying official concerning eligibility for benefits since the VA typically does not pay to repeat a course that has been successfully completed.

Academic Fresh Start

TBR Policy: 2:03:01:01

A. “Academic Fresh Start” is a plan of academic forgiveness which allows undergraduate students who have experienced academic difficulty to make a clean start upon returning to college after an extended absence.

B. The Academic Fresh Start allows eligible students to resume study without being penalized for his/her past unsatisfactory scholarship and signals the initiation of a new QPA/GPA to be used for determining academic standing.

Institutional Terms of the Fresh Start

  1. The student must not have been enrolled at a higher education institution for a period of four years.
  2. The student must have previously earned course credit with Nashville State Community College.
  3. The student must not have earned a credential (degree, certificate, diploma, etc.) from another higher education institution previously.
  4. Courses in which a grade of “F” (and “D” grades if they can’t be used to count toward the degree) will be excluded from the students GPA and earned hours but will remain as part of the academic record.
  5. Complete and submit the Academic Fresh Start form to the Director of Records and Registration in the Records Office. The form can be found on the Records website at the following address: www.nscc.edu/records. If approved, the student is only granted an Academic Fresh Start once.

Grade Appeals

A student who believes that an error has been made in the grade assigned for a course may appeal his/her grade. The appeal must be initiated during the semester immediately following the semester in which the grade was posted (summer semester will be considered in determining the following semester). Grade appeals are allowed only when 1) the instructor has not used criteria stated in the course syllabus, 2) has applied criteria inequitably, or 3) has made errors in the calculation or recording of a grade. In all cases, the student will assume the burden of proof with respect to these issues. The Student Grade Appeal Form for documenting this step may be obtained from the division Dean, any satellite campus, or www.nscc.edu.

Steps for an Appeal

  1. The student must try to consult with the instructor to provide a satisfactory resolution to the appeal. The student must also document his/her contact, or attempts to contact, the instructor. The Student Grade Appeal Form for documenting this step may be obtained from the division Dean, any satellite campus, or www.nscc.edu. The only exception to this step in the process is in the case that the instructor is no longer employed at the college or is unavailable so that it is impossible to contact the instructor. In the event the student cannot contact the instructor, the student may contact the instructor’s division Dean or Campus Director who will attempt to contact the instructor. If both parties are unable to contact the instructor, the Dean/Director may act on the instructor’s behalf in reviewing the grade appeal.
  2. If the appeal cannot be resolved between the student and the instructor, the student may appeal, in writing, to the appropriate faculty supervisor: division Dean for NSCC online courses or those on the Nashville campus, or the Campus Director for courses at a satellite campus. To continue the appeal, the student must present the completed Student Grade Appeal Form to the appropriate supervisor. The Dean/Director will attempt to resolve the appeal in consultation with the instructor and/or the student. This step must be completed during the semester following the semester in which the grade was earned and must be documented using the Student Grade Appeal Form. Both the student and the faculty member will be notified of the decision of the Dean/Director in writing, to include the grade appeal form.
  3. Both the student and faculty member have 10 business days from the Dean’s/Director’s response to appeal the decision. If the course in question took place on a satellite campus, the next level of appeal is to the appropriate instructional Dean. In such a case, the appeal process will be the same as outlined in 2 above. To continue the appeal further, the student or faculty member must present a copy of the completed Student Grade Appeal Form which clearly explains the basis of the appeal, the evidence of the appeal, supporting documentation, and the signatures of the instructor and division Dean to the Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The Vice President will utilize any resources available to resolve the grade conflict within 15 business days from the date submitted to the office.
  4. The Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will notify the student, the instructor and the division Dean of their decision in writing, to include the grade appeal form. Both the student and faculty member have 10 business days from the Vice President’s response to appeal the decision, in writing, through a hearing of an Academic Appeals Committee. To appeal, the student or faculty must present a copy of the completed Student Grade Appeal Form which clearly explains the basis of the appeal, the evidence of the appeal, supporting documentation, and the signatures of the instructor, division Dean and Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. Appeals should be submitted to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.

    The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs will call a meeting of the Academic Appeal Committee with, at a minimum, faculty representation from all academic divisions. If necessary, the presence of a non-voting content specialist can be requested by the committee once supporting documentation has been reviewed. The Academic Appeals Committee Chair shall notify the student, the instructor, and the Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs of the time and location of the hearing in writing. The committee shall have the power to allow the assigned grade to stand or to be changed. Its decision must be formally announced to all parties in writing. The time schedule allowed for completion of the action of the Committee shall be 15 business days. The hearing committee procedures will provide due process as outlined in the Nashville State Student Code of Conduct. Pending resolution of the appeal, consequences of the contested grade will stand.

    Appeal of decisions of the Academic Appeals Committee can be made in writing within 10 business days, by any party, to the President, whose decision will be final.

Retention Standards

TBR Policy: 2:03:01:01

1.  The minimum quality point average required to achieve the associate degree is 2.0.

2.  In addition, a student who fails during any term to attain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for the credit hours attempted will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term.

3.  At the end of the next term of enrollment, a student on academic probation who has failed to attain a 2.0 GPA for that term will be suspended for a minimum of one term. The summer term may not be counted as the term of suspension, unless institutional policies provide for multiple term suspension.

4.  The policies shall be based on factors of extenuating circumstances and hardship.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Academic probation and suspension is based on the college’s retention standards as described previously.

Probation: Once a student falls below the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, they will be placed on a probationary status. While on probation, the student must attain a minimum term GPA of a 2.0. The student will remain on probation until the minimum required cumulative GPA is attained. However, if the student falls below a term GPA of 2.0 while on probation, the student will be placed on a one-term suspension. Note: If a student is placed on suspension during the spring term, the suspension is applied to both the following summer and fall terms and thus the student would not be eligible for re-enrollment until the spring term of the following year under a post-suspension probationary status.

Suspension: While on a probationary status, if a student fails to attain a 2.0 term GPA, they will be placed on a one-term suspension. When a student returns from a suspension, they will be placed on a post-suspension probationary status. The student will remain on a post-suspension probationary status as long as they attain a term GPA of 2.0 or get their cumulative GPA back up to the minimum standard. If the student fails to attain a term GPA of a 2.0 while on a post-suspension probationary status, they will be placed on suspension for two-terms. Note: Once placed on suspension, if the student has pre-registered for any courses in the next term(s) of enrollment, all courses will be dropped.

Students will be notified in writing via an email to their NSCC email address at the end of the term if they have been placed on probation or suspension by the Records Office. However, academic standing is not contingent upon receipt of the notification. Students should check their academic standing via MyNSCC at the end of each term.

Academic Action Appeals

A student may appeal an academic action if he/she believes extenuating circumstances or unusual hardship affected his or her ability to achieve the minimum academic standard. A suspension appeal form must be submitted to the Director of Admissions and Records within 18 days from the end of the term that resulted in your suspension. The appeal must outline the reasons for the request in addition to submitting any supporting documentation. The Academic Appeals Committee will review and make a final determination regarding the action; notification will be sent to the student regarding the decision.

Students receiving Veterans Education benefits will not be certified to the Department of Veterans Affairs if enrollment is based on a second consecutive waiver of Academic Suspension.

Tennessee Reverse Transfer

TBR Policy: 2:02:00:02

“Reverse Transfer is a process that allows a student who completed a minimum of 15 hours at a participating Tennessee two-year institution and transferring to a participating Tennessee four-year institution to combine college credits from both institutions and apply them toward an associate degree.”

For more information, visit the Tennessee Reverse Transfer website at www.tntransferpathway.org/reverse-pathways/tennessee-reverse-transfer.

Associate Degrees and Certificate Requirements

It is the student’s responsibility to insure that all requirements for graduation are met. Students pursuing an Associate degree or certificate must satisfy the general and specific requirements as outlined in the current catalog option. No student will be issued a degree or certificate until all debts and obligations to the college have been satisfied.

Catalog Option

A student’s program requirements are determined by the catalog in effect the term the student is initially admitted into the degree or certificate program. If a student elects to change programs or to change to a different area of concentration within a major, the requirements of the catalog currently in effect at the time of the change will apply.  If a student begins working on a credentials and fails to complete the requirements within seven years, they must reorganize their degree plan to conform to the most current catalog.  Extensions to the seven-year limitation may be requested in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Any student may elect to graduate in accordance with the requirements of a catalog published after the student’s initial program catalog. However, the student must declare the option for change of catalog no later than the deadline for filing his/her Intent to Graduate. A student who does not remain active and reapplies for admission into a program will be subject to the catalog in effect at the time of reapplication. In order for a student to be approved to use a prior catalog, they must receive approval from the dean of the major.  In the event that a program is terminated, students will be given to complete the degree based on a phase out date determined by our Tennessee Board of Regents.

Credit Hours

A minimum of 750 minutes of classroom instruction (excluding registration and final exams) is required per Student Credit Hour. Non-instruction credit is recorded in continuing education units (CEU’s). One CEU requires 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under qualified instruction.

Classification of Students

A student who has completed fewer than 30 credit hours shall be classified as a freshman. A sophomore must have completed 30 or more hours of college-level course work or a combination of course work and transfer credit.

Requests for Academic Waiver

Students who wish to request waivers or exceptions to any academic regulation or requirement must submit requests in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee.

Course Waivers and Substitutions

An advisor may recommend that a student request a course waiver if the student has had training or experience in a subject area. A course waiver is appropriate if the material has been mastered through means other than formal academic course work or in a course closely related to the course in question. A course substitution is appropriate only if material has been mastered through a similar course within the college or if co-op credit has been earned as defined in the college catalog. There is no fee for course waivers and substitutions. Course waivers may reduce the total credit hours or number of courses required for the degree or certificate, but in no case can the number of credit hours required for the Associate degree be fewer than 60.

To process a course waiver or substitution, students should initiate the appropriate substitution form through their academic advisors. The Dean in the academic area in which the course is offered must approve the waiver or substitution, and the Records Office will complete the substitution process.

Degrees and Concentrations

NSCC students may earn only one A.A. degree and one A.S. degree. Students desiring a second degree from NSCC must complete a minimum of 15 additional credit hours beyond the requirements for the first degree. All additional credit hours for the second degree must be completed at NSCC.

Associate of Applied Science degree students may complete requirements for more than one concentration of study within the degree program by successfully completing all course requirements in both concentrations. A “Completion of a Second Concentration” form must be submitted for each concentration. No additional diploma will be awarded. “Completion of a Second Concentration” will be denoted on the student’s academic transcript.

Graduation Requirements

Residency Requirements

  1. Satisfactorily earn at least 25% of credit hours required for the degree through instruction delivered by NSCC. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs or designee.
  2. Students that have the residency requirement waived by the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee must take the waived course(s) within one year of the approved waived date.
  3. Students must be enrolled at NSCC in order to receive Advanced Standing credit to be used towards graduation requirements.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete a minimum of 60 semester hours required for the Associate degree and the appropriate number of hours required for a certificate. Credit hours earned in remedial or developmental courses are not counted to satisfy any graduation requirement.
  2. Earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 (“C” average in all collegiate-level courses.)
  3. All graduating students are required to complete an Intent to Graduate packet for each degree or certificate and submit it to the Records Office at least one term before the graduating term. This packet is a Dynamic Form which can be located her : https://www.nscc.edu/current-students/records-office/records-forms-and-instructions. Please note the filing deadlines posted below. Students who file after the posted deadline may not receive an evaluation prior to the start of the graduating term. Therefore, the student is encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to ensure they are on track to graduate.

Deadlines for Filing Graduation Intents:
Spring 2021: October 30, 2020
Summer 2021: March 26, 2021

Fall 2021; July 9, 2021
Spring 2022: October 29, 2021
Summer 2022: March 25, 2022

  1. Complete any required exit examinations in General Education, or in the major field of study. All degree students, excluding technical certificates, graduating from a Tennessee Board of Regents school are required to take a General Education Exit Exam.
  2. The approval of course waivers, substitutions, advanced standing credit, and credit by exam results must be on file in the Records Office before the end of the graduation term.
  3. Students with outstanding financial obligations/holds will not receive a diploma until such obligations are met.

For more information, go to www.nscc.edu/graduation.

Graduation Honors

Candidates for the Associate degree or technical certificate who attain a final 3.5–3.74 cumulative grade point average will be graduated cum laude; candidates who attain a final 3.75–3.89 cumulative grade point average will be graduated magna cum laude. Candidates who attain a 3.90–4.00 cumulative grade point average will be graduated summa cum laude.

Nashville State holds one commencement ceremony per year. This ceremony is held at the end of each spring term. Diplomas are distributed to students at the end of the semester they graduate once degree requirements have been confirmed.