2019-2020 Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Associate of Arts, Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of Science and Associate of Science Teaching Degree Tennessee Transfer Pathways

Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.) and Associate of Science Teaching (A.S.T.) Degree Tennessee Transfer Pathways

Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTP) help students who plan to transfer to Tennessee public universities to complete their baccalaureate degrees. A student who completes all the courses listed in a Tennessee Transfer Pathway will earn an A.A., A.F.A., A.S. or A.S.T. degree at NSCC and is guaranteed that all the courses will count toward that university major. Each TennesseeTransfer Pathway’s prescribed curriculum must be followed exactly to ensure all hours transfer.

What are Tennessee Transfer Pathways?

Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are designed to help community college students plan for transfer to a Tennessee public university to complete their baccalaureate degrees. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet preparation requirements for one’s major.

How do the Pathways work?

A student who completes all the courses listed on a particular Transfer Pathway will earn an A.A., A.F.A., A.S. or A.S.T. degree at the community college. When the student transfers to a Tennessee public university, the transcript will certify that the Pathway has been followed. The student is guaranteed that all the community college courses completed will be accepted at the university, and the courses will count toward completion of the particular major.

If a community college student transfers to another Tennessee community college, he or she is guaranteed that all courses transfer.

Important Note: Admission to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is competitive. For UTK, the Pathways do not guarantee admission. Students should contact UTK for specific transfer information.

What do students need to know?

  1. The student is responsible for following the TTP exactly to ensure transfer of all hours.
  2. Admission into a university does not guarantee admission into a particular college or academic program.
  3. Not every community college offers every TTP. Check the links on Transfer by Campus page of the Tennessee College Transfer Guarantee website to determine the availability of TTPs at individual community colleges.
  4. The courses in the chosen Pathway are required to receive the Associate of Arts, Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of Science or the Associate of Science Teaching degree. Some of these courses, especially math and science, may have prerequisites that students must also complete.
  5. Particular universities or programs may have additional requirements:
    1. All universities require demonstrated competency in a single foreign language at the intermediate level for a Bachelor of Arts Degree. This requires a second year of foreign language which students can take at the community college but may not be listed on the Pathway for the A.A. Degree.
    2. At some universities, foreign language may be required in certain programs leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree. Always check the university catalog to understand these specific requirements.
    3. Students who plan to transfer to UT Knoxville are strongly encouraged to take courses other than U.S. history courses to fulfill the college history requirement.
  1. Upon transfer, community college students must complete all the upper-division course requirements of the respective university. Always check the university catalog.
  2. Some baccalaureate degree programs require more than four years of full-time study. Engineering, certain science-related fields, computer science, and allied health are primary examples. Always check the university catalog.
  3. The Tennessee Transfer Pathways cover many of the majors available at Tennessee public universities; however, individual community colleges and universities have articulation agreements in programs not covered by the Pathways. Check with the Nashville State Records Office and the Transfer Articulation Agreements page for more information.
  4. Community college students who transfer to universities under specific articulation agreements in place prior to Fall 2011 will have five years to complete degree programs as prescribed in the particular agreements. This means that degree requirements must be completed by December 2016. Students affected by this transition may choose to follow the new TTPs if it is to their advantage.
  5. For information on Dual Admissions agreements that will benefit students who transfer in all programs, check with the Nashville State Records Office and the Transfer Articulation Agreements page for more information.
  6. The TTPs include courses required to complete the general education core and beginning courses in the major. Additional general education information is available in this catalog: See General Education Information  and General Education Core Courses  offered at Nashville State. 

Course Requirements for A.A./A.F.A./A.S./A.S.T. Degree Tennessee Transfer Pathways Offered at NSCC

Each Tennessee Transfer Pathways prescribed curriculum must be followed exactly to ensure all hours transfer.
